Stephanie Solove ’13 Completes Civic Leadership Academy

Stephanie Solove, a political science and communication major in the class of 2013, participated in the Civic Leadership Academy (CLA) sponsored by the Lou Frey Institute at the University of Central Florida.

Solove, a native of Lake Worth, Florida, was selected from among student leaders throughout the state to take part in an intensive curriculum that focused on the intricacies of government, political parties and public policy making.

The two-week program is designed to help prepare participants for careers in public service, promote civic engagement and connect student leaders with state officials. During her time in the CLA, Solove engaged in substantive dialogue about challenges facing local and state government with leaders representing the public, private and nonprofit sectors.

”The experience has influenced both my undergraduate focus and plans for a career path. It has guided me towards the direction of civic service, and has motivated me to go forward and try to make my own mark on society,” says Solove.

The CLA was created in collaboration with the Sorensen Institute for Political Leadership at the University of Virginia. The Institute has been named among the top civic education initiatives in the nation by the Carnegie Foundation for Teaching.

The Civic Leadership Academy is one of many experiences Solove has pursued to hone her skills in the political arena. Last year, she served as a volunteer with the Obama presidential campaign. After completing her studies at North Carolina State University, Solove plans to serve her country through AmeriCorps and then pursue work in the political communications field.
~posted 2009.10.07